Fighting for Accountability, Transparency, Autonomy, Democracy.

It's time for SHIFT CHANGE!


  1. Who can we vote for the Council of President? The full membership
  2. Who can vote for the vice presidents? The members of each respective voting group, and the number of slots are proportional to the members within the group.
  3. What about voting for delegates? The meembers of each respective voting group, and the number of slots are proportional to the members within the group.
  4. What are the positions available for the 2024 NNU Election:

New York State Nurses Association- Vice President: 4 Delegates:39

California Nurses Association/ National Nurses Organizing Committee- Vice Presidents: 14 Delegates: 141

Michigan Nurses Association- Vice Presidents: 2 Delegates: 12

Minnesota Nurses Association- Vice Presidents: 2 Delegates: 21

District of Columbia Nurses Association- Vice presidents: 1 Delegates: 21